Another success by iconic signer Camilo : Ropa Cara | Daily Music Roll

Another success by iconic signer Camilo : Ropa Cara

Camilo has successfully launched a music video of the latest track ‘Ropa Cara’. The video is directed by his wife Evaluna and artist Santiago Achaga.

It features singer Camilo Montaner and actress Macarena Achaga in an aesthetic set design that initially appeared as a photographic studio.

As the song takes its pace both of the stars could be seen in different outfits just as the track says, “Balenciaga, Gucci, and Prada.” It has simple lyrics that talk about a girl from whom he seeks to dress in luxury.


In less than an hour, the video generated more than 23,000 views and thousands of comments from fanatics and followers.

Many of his fans congratulated him for the new video and also welcomed his amazing style and presence.

 However, some of the listeners could be seen disgusted with novelty as it has different reggaeton rhythms that followers are not used to.

Despite the comments, the singer said on social media to be “proud of this new issue that emerged from his home in full quarantine.”

The anticipation increases as the new album by Camilo will be releasing soon at the beginning of this year. However, the title of the album is still a mystery.

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