'For The Customer' by the Immensely Talented Flo is a Rapping Paradise | Daily Music Roll

‘For The Customer’ by the Immensely Talented Flo is a Rapping Paradise

‘For The Customer’ by the Immensely Talented Flo is a Rapping Paradise

4.2/5by Daily Music Roll
For The Customer
Once you are confined within; once the ingredients have got a tight grip to your attention, it won’t be easy to come out of the impact cast by this musical piece – this is the set of words that I can use to describe the magnificence of the latest release of Flo. The vocal presence behind the front-layered beats is of the highest quality; the sound effects, Envoy Hip-hop’s production, the creative supremacy, beat crafted by DJ Victorious – all of these, accompanied by Flo’s delivery in ‘For The Customer’ has taken the track to a whole new level of awesomeness.
The lyricism of ‘For The Customer’ featuring Twista is quite engaging but the attitude and confidence with which these words have been delivered are the true driving force. When the track gets played in a club or a pub, I will certainly jump out of the seat and dance my heart out. The vibes and the groovy beats have already got stuck to my mind and with each new listen, it is getting even harder to come out of the effect. This track is surely going to be a hit to be remembered for a long time. I am certainly looking forward to Flo’s next project, scheduled to be released in February.
Must Listen to this track on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/06aogSEO0Y2pmSEFkEtPdF