Upcoming Musician TTGS Strikes a Slap in the Face of Feudality in the Single 'Run It Up' | Daily Music Roll

Upcoming Musician TTGS Strikes a Slap in the Face of Feudality in the Single ‘Run It Up’

Upcoming Musician TTGS Strikes a Slap in the Face of Feudality in the Single ‘Run It Up’

4.8/5by Daily Music Roll

Fashionable Kansas based young rapper TTG$ begins a new journey of astounding success with a lyrically rich hip hop track ‘Run It Up’ on Soundcloud.

What to say when it comes to the authentic music of the trailblazing artist TTG$. It’s all mellow and intoxicating with the blaze of a reckless soul. The unique Kansas based young rapper is sketching bold strokes of his versatility with the brand new, motor-mouth performance in the single ‘Run It Up’. I was having a rough day with mood swings and indelible frustration. I was in need of a savior. So, I was badly searching for psychedelic rhythms that could drift my attention. Then, I met these delirious beats from the sexy artist that quenched my satisfaction. It’s a great flow of his genuine art, weaved with the sophistication of revolution.

TTG$ is a fine artist who has explored many layers of experiments to secure his fathomable fame in the populous industry. Getting real and sustain a solid position in the market simultaneously is one hard wood to crack. He makes sure that his songs speak for the mass and cover the issues in the dogmatic society. I love the incredible hooks of the new music Run It Up. His honest criticism is indispensable in the verses. He makes sure that people start to understand what’s going wrong with them. A major part of his life was spent in tough hustles to land on the hip hop industry with his organic songs. He dedicates a portion of the song to those days of hard work and grinding day and night for recognition. The wild raging in his vocals helps him to drive all his frustrating energies in the same direction of producing snazzy hip hop music. Follow the new artist on Soundcloud for his upcoming songs.

Visit to listen this song ‘Run It Up’ by TTG$ : https://soundcloud.com/swagmagg-401/run-it-up