Google Doodle Celebrates 'Accordion': A German Folk Singer's Instrument | Daily Music Roll

Google Doodle Celebrates ‘Accordion’: A German Folk Singer’s Instrument

The accordion is a German folk free-reed instrument with bellows which was developed during the 1800s alongside other instruments like harmonium, concertina, and bandoneon.
Jennifer Stone
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This Thursday, Google Doodle is celebrating the popular German instrument Accordion. Folk music artists have heavily used this ‘main squeeze’ instrument for their songs. On this very day, on the 23rd of May in 1829, the instrument was first patented. And not just folk music artists, artists from other genres like pop, jazz, folk, and classical also have started to use this instrument, and with time it became widely popular across various parts of the world. Countries like Japan, India, Pakistan, Greece, Finland, France, Iceland, and Canada have started to use this instrument in their musical works.

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Google shared this photo while mentioning, “Today’s Doodle celebrates the accordion, a box-shaped musical instrument that was invented in Germany in the 1800s and is now played around the world.” As a highlight, the term ‘Accordion’ is derived from the German of chord which is Akkord. Among many other free-reed instruments with bellows, this instrument was developed in the early 1800s alongside other instruments like concertina, bandoneon, and harmonium.

The theme music of the Doodle features the ‘Google’ logo integration within the bellows of an accordion. Four figures are distributed in the logo these figures are dressed in traditional German attire and the entire doodle is quite expressive and appealing to look at. Google Doodles are often modified, to celebrate a day or a special theme of any special culture. This is a great gesture made by to Google to celebrate assorted cultures and their wisdom.

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This latest logo commemorates the German tradition and when you click on the Doodle on the next page google shares a message stating, “This animated Doodle celebrates the accordion, a free-reed instrument with bellows that has made an impact on music genres including pop, jazz, folk, and classical.” This is a portable free-reed musical instrument featuring a treble section with a key similar to the piano. The base section is where the keys are placed and the component is connected to the opposite side which requires manual operation of bellows.

Initially, Accordions has buttons on one side only, later on, it happens to have buttons on both of the instruments. As it started to get popular amongst the musicians the instrument became a worldwide phenomenon with time. European immigrants are held responsible for the worldwide popularity of this instrument, from Japan to Canada.

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