Deeply Rooted Traditionalism of Geno DeMari's Latest Hip-Hop EP 'To Say the Least' Is Ecstatically Fascinating | Daily Music Roll

Deeply Rooted Traditionalism of Geno DeMari’s Latest Hip-Hop EP ‘To Say the Least’ Is Ecstatically Fascinating

Author : Jennifer Stone

Being a representative of the Southern side of Chicago, Geno DeMari is winning hearts with his charmingly narrated EP ‘To Say the Least’, with cerebral cadence blends.

Based out of the South Side of Chicago, Geno DeMari always has a driven passion for hip-hop music. The compelling narrative of each of these tracks along with the brilliantly rooted tempo of each 6 tracks of his latest EP, are just brilliant. To Say the Least has been arranged luminously and offers some enthralling vibes that compel people to dance to his beats. His prolific nature offers a unique concoction of underground music along with new hip-hop musical vibes. This not just makes his tracks more entertaining it becomes something interestingly fresh to experience. The hypnotic beats along with seasoned diction have made each of these tracks more engulfing.

This 6 song EP is packed with uniquely arranged numbers ‘Show and Tell’, ‘Face Off’, ‘Next Life’, ‘Quick’, ‘Two 4’, and ‘On That’. Each of these tracks is packed with widely charming vibes along with incredibly benevolent narratives. Geno DeMari’s profound talent offers you some unchallenged musical waves along with its weaving soundscapes have made these tracks some of his best releases by far. He always needs to push his boundaries and try something new to make his releases widely gripping. And ‘To Say the Least’ is the best example where he has perfectly showcased his musical vibes. Listen to his EP on Apple Music now.

Listen  to this EP here:

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