GriG Has Showcased His Creative Talent With the Song 'Muevete' | Daily Music Roll

GriG Has Showcased His Creative Talent With the Song ‘Muevete’

GriG, the profound EDM musician has spread his musical charm with all the excellent pieces of music. He is getting a lot of attention for his latest songMuevete. The lyrically and musically enriched song has garnered a lot of listeners from all around the world. His brilliant way of presentation has stunned everyone. Recently we got the chance to have a conversation with him and this is how it went-


DMR: Hello Mr. GriG, first of all, congratulations on all the success for the song ‘Muevete’. It has achieved such accomplishments. You would like to say something about that?

GriG: We are very grateful for the enhancement the song received. For me it means a lot that we managed to get to the ears of hundred of thousands of people.

DMR: How did you come up with the song ‘Muevete’?

GriG: Creating Muevete was an amazing experience. Me and my partner Diego Cruz Vespa got together in the studio and come up with the instrumental. After that we went to Make Belief studio to record vocals.

DMR: Who has helped you to make this masterpiece?

GriG: Angel Preciado played a big role in this track helping us write lyrics and also singing on the track. Ana Michell helped us with the chorus and filled in with some amazing female vocals that completely fill the whole track.

DMR: Have you ever imagined this would be such a big hit?

GriG: We never thought the song will make it so big. Our main focus has been to have a lot of fun together in the studio.

DMR: What is the story behind making this soundtrack?

GriG: We had a music camp for one week and we all linked together and tried to produce as much as possible. Out of a lot of songs we made we felt like a couple of them really need to be heard by more people than just us;

DMR: What has inspired you to become a musician?’

GriG: I always look at the best people in each industry and what they have in common. And most of them are super dedicated and in love with what they do. Therefore I asked myself a question of what is my area of work that I really love doing, something where no matter how tired I was I would still do it. After a while I found the music industry being my happy place.

DMR: Which artist do you admire the most?

GriG: I follow super closely Martin Garrix and everything he does on a regular basis. I am always trying to learn from some of the best DJ in the industry.

DMR: Is there any project you are working on right now?

GriG: We are working on expanding the GriGmusic label and growing as much as possible.

DMR: Why did you choose EDM as your preferred genre?

GriG: I felt like the EDM industry is super positive and united. I really loved that and wanted my music to unite people together from all parts of the world.

DMR: Is there a different genre you would like to try?

GriG: I think we would love to explore all types of genres over time

DMR: Are you planning to do any tours or concerts in the future?

GriG: Hopefully next summer we can go on a USA tour

DMR: Any message you would like to give your fans?

GriG: Thanks a lot for the consistent support and can’t wait to party with you all again!

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