Talented and Accomplished Singer LVEMRE Is Back With His New Single 'Lost Cause' | Daily Music Roll

Talented and Accomplished Singer LVEMRE Is Back With His New Single ‘Lost Cause’

The musical genre of hip-hop is extremely vast and touching every corner of it, the track ‘Lost Cause’ is released.


The musical genre of hip-hop is extremely vast and touching every corner of it, the track ‘Lost Cause’ is released. The artist LVEMRE has given an impressive performance on the track, skillfully mastering all the components. His delivery of layered and emotive lyrics is perfectly paired with the smooth yet exciting composition. On top of that, his blissful voice added an extra element to the track. We had the recent opportunity to sit with him for a conversation. Let’s see how it went…

DMR: Hello Mr. LVEMRE, welcome to Daily Music Roll. First of all, a huge congratulations to you for your recent release of ‘Lost Cause’. How are you feeling?

LVEMRE: I’m feeling pretty good. This one feels a lot different. I feel like I’m actually being myself more in my music these days. Had to reinvent myself and pull away from a few bad situations so this feels new and different.

DMR: People from all over the world are praising your performance on the track, something similar to what you have experienced with your debut single. Is it a bit different this time? Or is the feeling of being overwhelmed still there?

LVEMRE: It’s really crazy to me to have people from all over the world sending me DM’s, I have gotten familiar with google translate. I have to read DM’s and emails that way. It’s wild to me to being reading someone telling me about they heard my song on the radio in Sweden and they are a fan. It’s both reassuring to me that I am actually doing the right thing this time musically. That drives me to further express myself. It can be really overwhelming because of the amount of people that I just don’t have time to respond to. I wasn’t prepared for that aspect of it all.

DMR: During the song-making process, were you confident of getting this kind of response from your audience?

LVEMRE: To be completely transparent, as I stated in the beginning of the song, I just wanted to do something my mother can listen to. She’s a southern Christian woman so I knew I had to watch what I said and create a song she can enjoy and share with her friends. I honestly didn’t expect people to be as receptive to the song as they have been because it’s not what radio plays, I’m truly thankful for that.

DMR: You have been passionate about music since your childhood, but did you dream of growing up and becoming a musician in your life?

LVEMRE: I had a recurring dream as a young man that I was standing on stage performing. I did grow up listening to music and playing music in church and singing in the choir. I used to have to sneak and buy R&B and Rap cd’s from classmates. I always wanted to be a musician since I can remember. I used to sing to my mom as a young boy. You know everyone says they want to be in music because it’s what expected but for me it was literally all I have ever known. I always knew that I would be involved in music in some way rather it be in the forefront or in the background writing and producing for artist. That’s the type of love I have for my craft.

DMR: Are there any specific moments of realization about your career that you want to highlight?

LVEMRE: The biggest I realized that it’s not ALL about talent its more about your persistence, patience and making those connections. I have many talents; I play 7 different instruments I think in that aspect I have it covered. It wasn’t until I got comfortable in my own skin and let the world in, that things changed.

DMR: What was the inspiration behind this single?

LVEMRE: The inspiration behind the single was my mother. I wanted her to know that I had not lost my way. I know that the relationship with God that I forged at a young age keeps me sound and secure.

DMR: Which artists have influenced you the most in your music career?

LVEMRE: I am influenced by many artists; I grew listening to a lot of Gospel choirs which is why I add harmonies to my music. As far as R&B I am influenced by artist like Stevie Wonder, the late Prince, the late king of POP MJ. Current R&B artist like Chris Brown, Tank, Eric Bellinger, Usher. Ty Dolla Sign for his singing style with the heavier voice. T-Pain with his creative process is amazing. Kendrick Lamar influences me most when it comes to writing music. I listen to a lot of artists who aren’t top of the charts famous yet. My brother Young Sixx always keeps me on my toes when it comes to making music with his talent, process and hustle. IAMLXGEND influences me to really put my SOLO projects out. There are many influences, honestly too many to name because I love every aspect of it.

DMR: Do you have any dream collaborations?

LVEMRE: I don’t really have a dream collaboration; I love the process of creating and I love working with any artist that share the same love for the craft of that I do. I know it sounds cliché, but that how I really feel.

DMR: Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians who are planning their debuts?

LVEMRE: Don’t be a perfectionist and don’t be too hard on yourself but learn the craft. Get that song to a point where it is consumer ready and PAY for your mixing and mastering. Do not put more on your plate than you can handle. Biggest advise I can give is enjoy every experience, the ups and the downs.

DMR: If you were not a musician, what career would you choose and why?

LVEMRE: If I was not a musician, I would probably be a teacher or a motivational speaker. I enjoy interacting with people and sharing life experiences.

DMR: In this process of being a stable music artist in the industry, have you faced any hardships yet?

LVEMRE: Not particularly, I work as well so as if pertains to being stable that’s not all contributed to music. My hardship I would say comes from reaching out to collaborate with major artist. A lot of them have gatekeepers (rightfully so) that aren’t attached to music.

DMR: Any special messages for your fans?

LVEMRE: I want to thank each and every one of you. I’m very transparent and I try to answer all emails and DMs. I don’t have a social media manager so each message is from me. I appreciate every play and every message. Please keep them coming. I would like to issue a call to action, please call your radio station and request my music! -LVEMRE

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