The Enchanting Musicality of Bri Schillings in this Number 'Wings' Is Winning Hearts from Around the Globe | Daily Music Roll

The Enchanting Musicality of Bri Schillings in this Number ‘Wings’ Is Winning Hearts from Around the Globe

The exhilarating singer and songwriter Bri Schillings has devoted herself to the gigantic project which is going to continue for the next 24 months. She along with her newly associated band Sweet Imperfections is going to be releasing a single each month for the next 2 years. The first release of this project is Wings, the song just dropped on the 28th of October, and it is already getting a lot of attention.

The brilliant musical vibes along with the magnificent styles have made the song extremely enjoyable. Here is what the prolific artist has to say about this new project and what she has planned for the next 24 months.

Bri Schillings

DMR: Before we start let us congratulate you for your tremendously compelling track. Please share about the theme of this number, what triggered you to write such beautiful verses for this number ‘Wings’?

Bri Schillings: Thank you all for embracing our first little sound baby ‘WINGS’!

This song began its journey through me in 2017 on the banjo. Through its evolution, it has claimed its voice as a piano ballad. I have always seen the beauty in people, especially when the hard knocks of life have beaten them down to the point of doubting their power, their voice…I wanted to empower, inspire the people I love, to raise them up and remind them of the infinite beings that they are and that they are not alone, that their voice matters and can inspire. ‘Wings’ is what I like to call a “Soul Vitamin”, a tune you can pop to lift your spirit, share with someone to let them know they are loved and supported, a song that wraps its loving arms around you, gives you courage and lets you take flight.

DMR: You have just formed a new band called Sweet Imperfections; tell us about how you met these talented artists and the core story behind this band.

Bri Schillings: It all began with Jamie Shadowlight, or as we call her, “The Orical”. She fluttered into our lives in response to an ad seeking a violin player three years ago. The moment we played together there was instant chemistry and a deep sonic friendship was born. We worked with Jamie on our first Album “ME is better with WE” which launched last year.

After the release, with 24 new songs awaiting recording we were shopping for an engineer. Enter “The Oracle” Jamie, connecting us with our present, beloved engineer and dear friend Chad Shlosser. Chad has been instrumental in bringing not only these songs to life, but has gone over and beyond as our band director and organizing our live band consisting of Chad Shlosser, Micheal Johnson, Shawn Barry, Greg Cahill & Jeffery Howell.

We just wrapped up a live studio performance (MTV unplugged style) at Goodnoise studio in Palm Springs. The musicianship of these fine fellows far exceeds the act of playing notes, but resonates on a deeper, more connected level, from their heart strings, aligning with my vocals and all the emotions.  Seamless.

DMR: How many members are there in your band? Let your audience know more about their persona.

Bri Schillings: We are a core group of three. Myself, Cad Shlosser & Micheal Johnson. Through our collective networks we work with Jamie Shadowlight, Shawn Barry, Greg Cahill, Jeffery Howell & Adam MacDougall.

The musicianship of these humans far exceeds the act of simply accompanying… from their heart strings, their instruments resonate and align with the emotion in my vocals, riding the energy of the song’s dynamics. I live for those moments, where we elevate, transported through seamless sound. The song ends, we all look at each other, with a nod that denotes, “oh yeah, we went there. Yummmmm moments are the joys of collaboration. 

DMR: Are you going to follow the same dates to drop the number or you will drop it at any point of the month? What’s your plan for that? Tell us more about upcoming music releases.

Bri Schillings: End of November we will be releasing “Be Brave “on the 25th. Otherwise we are releasing one single on the 23rd of each month. The 23rd has a very special significance for me being the day, three years ago, I chose to be brave, chose life dedication to music, and step out of shame and into love.

I really want to honor each song and its process and the unique expression that it has to offer and give it time to be celebrated, nurtured and received. Some of these songs I’ve been sitting on for 3-7 years. Two songs in particular will be released in the same month they were written a year ago. It’s been quite the journey and it’s just beginning. Bringing these songs to life, has brought us to life, creatively, interpersonally & existentially.

DMR: What is the first name that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “Dream Collaboration”? 

Bri Schillings: The Dream team I am within this current moment. We have been riding the currents as they come and the word that keeps surfacing for me is ALIGNMENT. All the people and opportunities Sweet Imperfections is born of comes from perfect alignment.

DMR: Have you thought of any name for this project?

Bri Schillings: Sweet Imperfections

What this name represents is that we are a living masterpiece of creation, and we are also an ever-evolving, ever-improving, and ever-growing work in progress.  Sweet Imperfections embraces the work in progress that we are, our imperfections and celebrates and encourages unique characters and self-expressions.

DMR: Who is your inspiration for music?

Bri Schillings: Honestly, music that makes me feeeeeel. I am inspired by music that has depth, and creates an experience. To me, music is so much more than just the song, it’s how it transports every fiber of my being.

Cinematic music has always tugged at my heartstrings. Danny Elfman all day. Phillip Glass, George Winston, Enya…

I have been enamored with SIA’s bold creativity and conceptual design around each song and album.  The Lumineers, The National, Dido, Tracy Chapman, Michael Kiwanuka, Patsy Cline, Ben Harper, Coldplay, Chris Issac, Son Little, Ondara, Cigarettes after Sex, David Gray, Hiatus, Parra for Cuva, are frequent listens.

DMR: Every music artist have some aim that they would like to achieve, what’s your paramount dream for music?

Bri Schillings: Create timeless music, and long-term respect over short-term fame. Tour the world, creating unique experiences such as a National Park Tour, playing in nature, connecting with fans, hearing people’s stories, collaborating with SIA, The Lumineers and playing at Red Rocks and The Shel and Balboa Park in San diego.

DMR: You have shared that these upcoming numbers are going to be based on your love for nature, insights about relationships, and yourself. These specifications are indicating that you already have worked on some of these numbers. Would you like to share a bit more light on your immediate release?

Bri Schillings: Be Brave is our next single that will drop on November 25th.

The most challenging points in my life are always accompanied through song. Music has been my therapy and where I play an observer outside myself and a portal to a deeper understanding of myself psychologically and morally.

Bravery is seeing what needs to change and holding any fears and resistance along the way in a compassionate embrace to take action. It is far too easy to stay uncomfortably comfortable. Change can be uncomfortable but at least you know you are growing and making space to expand. I know what held me back at this particular time in my life was a sense of responsibility to the idea of the relationship I was in. Until I became aware that my idea of responsibility was at the cost of my joy and growth and my partners. I had become irresponsible with my soul’s cravings while telling myself I was being “responsible” by staying.

The bridge: “I want you to know that you belong, though these social norms can make you feel so wrong” touches on feeling like an outcast all my life, being bullied and never fitting in. I know how hearing those words while I was growing up would have been beyond empowering. Be Brave invites you to listen to those little honest whispers in your heart, not to ignore them but harness that strength, “this IS your LIFE time to reclaim…” I believe in you!

We are currently working on the music video for Be Brave and invite you to share your brave moments in life with us and we will add your story to the video.

I would love to hear your Brave story! You may send to [email protected]

Thank you for being Brave every day!

DMR: From your experiences please share how any aspiring artist can sustain in this industry.

Bri Schillings: Don’t do it to be liked, do it for the love and art of self expression. Be proud of what you are creating, learn the business of your art while staying true to your heart. If what you create does not excite you, step into where you feel joy and do that! Support fellow local artists, cover their songs and collaborate. Patience, Patience, Patience and a whole lot of perseverance!

DMR: What’s your secret to making these exciting musical releases?

Bri Schillings: The love of life, adventure. There’s a saying that your life should be bigger than your art.

How this translates for me is that great art is inspired through living a great life.

So I continue to be ever curious about this human experience, dive deep, climb high, and reach for a greater understanding of every being and their story…because in the end, we all are made of the same star stuff and my hope is that my music reflects a relatability for any walk of life.

DMR: To conclude, congratulations on your first release, and best of luck with your upcoming tracks. Do have anything to say about dedicating your fans to your music and Bri Schillings herself where they can find your numbers?

Bri Schillings: Big Thanks to you, The Daily Music Roll for sharing and supporting my art and a special thank you to friends, family & fans, for diving into this adventure with me,lending your ears,eyes and love for music. I am delighted to take you on this two year journey through all the feels of life. I will always be open to learn, listen and receive any feedback you may have.

I so enjoy connecting with you and your voices. Stay inspired and in touch.

Hugs, Bri

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