Zoey The White Lioness has enthralled the audience with the breathtaking hard rock number 'Song of Angst' | Daily Music Roll

Zoey The White Lioness has enthralled the audience with the breathtaking hard rock number ‘Song of Angst’

The harsh reality is portrayed brilliantly with a dash of confidence by the prodigious singer Zoey The White Lioness whose real name is Zoey Baker. She has etched out the brilliance in the stupendous track Song of Angst’. The hard rock artist is determined to dish out some fierce stuff inspired by icons like Kurt Cobain and Trent Razor. The angsty lyrics by ZWL have take a leaf from the post-grungy feel from the mix created by Nirvana and Skillet.

The grunge in the tracks by the prolific singer is based on personal and mental struggles. The singer spews venom with her impeccable style and has mesmerized an eclectic audience. To know more about the singer, the fans can log on to her profile on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The audience can also visit her website to fetch further information.

Zoey The White Lioness

The singer took some time out and candidly spoke to us about her professional and private life. She was candid enough to dish out some blatant truths and we were privileged to hear from the terrific singer. To listen to her incredible numbers, you can plug into popular streaming sites like Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, and Apple Music.

What has inspired you to take the plunge in the musical arena and take up hard rock as a genre?

Rock allows me to express my most extreme emotions in a constructive and powerful way.
I plunged into the musical arena, because of songwriting in Middle School. I felt I had a natural gift for songwriting it was love at first sight in away.

Who has been your greatest inspiration to date from the music world? Or, is it someone who is known to you personally?

Probably Andrew Schwab of Project 86. I acutally talked to him briefly on the phone when he started his podcast,
(Pioneers Podcast). He’s kinda serious lol, but his music is serious and is one of the reasons I’m a rocker. If I can make content even a fraction as good as Project 86’s music and truly reach people on a deep level. Then I’ve done
my job.

Which icon from yesteryears do your idol worship and want to meet given a chance?

Not anyone I worship, but I truly admire David Bowie. It’s a shame he passed away. I feel like he had some musical secrets he never shared with the world.
Of course, I would love to know what those secrets where!

Is there any contemporary artist who has enviable qualities and can give you a run for your money?

“NF” he’s a Christian rap artist, his lyrics are like mine but back with vengeance. Yeah, that guy could easily outperform me lyrically.

 Are there any turning points in your life that have shaped your musical career?

Yes definitely, I’ve experienced alot of heartake, people seem to just throw me away like trash the moment there’s some kind of conflict. It’s left me fighting between
harboring bitterness and cultivating forgiveness. If you listen to my music, the majority of the songs I write are based on relationships that did not end well for me.

Do you have any interesting plans for the future that you want to share with us?

I’m going to keep making music, I’m never going to stop.

What is the most important driving force in your life that prompts you to dish out such exquisite numbers?

Being a born again Christian, I would say God. He’s in all that I do!

Do the Covid-19 pandemic and the tumultuous socio-political scenario affect your creativity in any way?

Yes, I’ve written some controversial stuff that I plan to release soon. Mainly confronting “cancel culture.” I know it’s going to offend some people, but that is
inevitable now days. I just want to make people think about the things they support. That’s all I’m trying to do.

Do you value creative excellence more than material success and if so, can you put some light on it?

Yes, quality over quantity for the win! I would rather but a nobody true to myself, then gain the whole world and lose my soul.

Do you regret any of your career moves from the past and given a chance do you desire to change that?

I have no regrets, the only way is forward.

What are your views about the latest trends in the music industry and are you happy with the way things are functioning at this moment?

It’s kind of a double-edged sword. For example, many would argue streaming has ruined the music Industry’s way to make money. I can see that, however, we can provide other
creative ways to make revenue I just don’t think we are quite there yet but will figure it out.

Is there any talented singer from modern times who is sure to make it big and has the potential to rule the roost?

I have no idea, to be honest. There’s so much talent out there now days.