Beloved Smithfield High School Music Teacher Passed Away, Leaving Everyone Heartbroken | Daily Music Roll

Beloved Smithfield High School Music Teacher Passed Away, Leaving Everyone Heartbroken

Katherine Young will be remembered as a guide who always welcomed open heartedly her students, showed kindness, compassion, and empathy throughout her career.
Jennifer Stone
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A forever cherished music teacher, Katherine Young at Smithfield High School reportedly died due to a short illness over the weekend. The Smithfield High School Music Booster Club declared Young, who worked at the school for around ten years, suddenly passed away on Saturday 30th December 2023.

Katherine Young

Although the school did not extend on the reason for death, NBC affiliate WJAR stated Young passed away as she suffered from complex flu. The sudden death of the music teacher left the whole community of Smithfield, remembering her as their favorite teacher, colleague, and friend of course.

Moreover, Melissa Moroni, the president of the Smithfield High School Music Boosters shared thenews in a Facebook post, and wrote, “The loss of Katherine has left a hole in our department and our lives. She was just the spark of the school.”

The heartbreaking news of the death of music teacher of Smithfield High School, Katherine Young has touched many, additionally the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Choral Directors who has wished the community members to wear purple to show tribute to her memory. The post says, “If you are able to participate, please wear purple on Tuesday. Let’s paint the world purple for Katherine. (along with a red love emoticon).” on Facebook.

The institute mourned the loss of the late music teacher, explained as a kind soul, in a statement that said, “Our hearts are broken.. This beautiful soul, with a smile that could light up a room, has been taken too soon. May the choirs of Angels lead you into paradise Katherine. You are loved. Please pray for her family.”

In a Facebook post, friend and former student Juliana Rivelli shared her mourning, commented on Young’s passion and dedication to her students, and said, “Heartbroken is truly an immense understatement. Katherine Young was not only a mentor, but a dear, dear friend. From the moment we met, I knew this woman would change my life.

She fostered my love for music, she heard me and my voice when no one else did, she tutored me for HOURS in music theory, she introduced me to my undergrad, I’ve spent hours at her home with her, her family, and her children, there will forever be a place in my heart for Katherine Young. I have so many incredible memories and I can’t even begin to fathom a loss this big. A loss for the Smithfield community, ACDA community, Rose Bud community and so many more I can’t even think of at the moment. I will miss you so much, Katherine. Thank you for everything. I hope I can be even half of the woman you were, then my life will be complete.” Rivelli described that Katherine Young was so much passionate and fostered her love for music and tutored her for hours selflessly.

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