Snapping a 'rubberband' is a way out to get over some strong unsaid emotions, says Tate McRae | Daily Music Roll

Snapping a ‘rubberband’ is a way out to get over some strong unsaid emotions, says Tate McRae

Alicia Parker
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Tate McRae

Tate McRae says that sometimes snapping a rubber-band is the best way to get something or someone out of your mind. And, this is what the singer has emphasized on her latest single titled rubberband. The single comes from her debut EP, all the things I never said, and eccentrically relates a lot to the audience of her age. What has set the artist apart from others of her age is the unique timing during which she rose to fame. 2020 was one hell of a year for everyone but things took a different turn for Tate as she kicked off her journey since then. Listening to her heartfelt new composition paints a vivid picture of all those feelings and unsaid emotions she was going through and especially when she said that you never know what you have till it’s gone. The words penetrate hard in the audience’s heart and create a scenario that is hard to escape from.

Tate McRae has proved herself as a phenomenal writer who has beautifully dealt with the lyrics of the song ‘rubberband’. Her vocal presence and her undeniable charm after being soaked in the raw essence of the music evoke all kinds of nostalgic feelings in the listener. The image that you get when every time you focus on not thinking about someone but the heart follows its path, and you end up getting washed over by the same feelings is so impactful in this song. She has not failed in expressing her true self. Upbeat and catchy, the song sets the mood perfectly and can now be hard on Spotify.

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