The album 'Satans Doom' is a creative genius come out of anger of the artist Eternal 316 | Daily Music Roll

The album ‘Satans Doom’ is a creative genius come out of anger of the artist Eternal 316

Hughes Nelson
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The latest album named ‘Satans Doom’ by artist Eternal316 is now released. In this album, he has amazingly vented out his anger and frustration in a story-telling style.


The artist Eternal 316 has a story to tell through his rap. The story, that came from the heart of the artist. It reflects his frustration, anger for the media and music industry, and his hope and belief in Jesus to give him eternal blessings. Facing a lot of hurdles from the industry against his skills and talent the artist has compared them as Satan in his latest album, ‘Satans Doom’. The album consists of ten songs including ‘The Introduction’, ‘Unleashed, vengeance’, ‘War has begun’, and others. Each of the songs progresses in the same direction to convey the overall theme of the album. Eternal 316 has collaborated with various artists to make the vocal part appropriate and contextual. He is quite brilliant in composing a whole album with different vocalists to make his work as flawless as possible.

Satans Doom

From storytelling to background voice of devil has perfectly merged with the song portion. The approach the artist chose to sing his rap is very vigorous and vibrant, as the anger on the industry is so intense. The beat, he incorporates in his music, is appreciable as it is undeniably compatible with the theme of the music. The pivotal point of the song is its power to engage the audience. When one listens to the first song of the album, he/she cannot resist moving on to the next one. The engagement level is very high, which can be considered as the success of an artist.

So, the album, Satans Doom’ is highly appreciated due to its content, use of rich language, and unimaginable musical brilliance. Listen to the album on the artist’s official YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe to his channel.

Link to the YouTube Playlist:

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