Bebe Rexha has expanded about her 'Fluid' sexuality and also teased about a tryst with a celebrity | Daily Music Roll

Bebe Rexha has expanded about her ‘Fluid’ sexuality and also teased about a tryst with a celebrity

Alicia Parker
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Image Credit: Bebe Rexha

bebe rexha

Bebe Rexha, the very popular pop star has revealed previously the fact that she very much considers her very own sexuality to be ‘fluid’. She was speaking with Gay times for a new interview as she had expanded on her regarding this and it has been published on Wednesday.

Rexha also went on to say that it is like a scale and this is what she believes about her sexuality. She has also said that previously she had gone out with other girls. She also admitted the fact that she had dated girls. She also mentioned that they were famous and she is not going to name them. She is not going to divulge the names, although people will be very eager to know about it.

She went on to say that she considers herself to be fluid when she has been asked last year that she has still not defined her sexuality.

Rexha told Health she cannot say anything until she finds the perfect match for her. She is looking for someone who is going to love her and she will reciprocate through love. She is not thinking about whether that person is a girl or a boy.

She went on to say that her getting attracted to someone is based on once she is inspired by anyone at a given time.

She further added that there are a lot of emotions attached when she is in a relationship with any girl. She also said that she cannot deal with the power.

She very well knows for a fact that people generally label themselves as ‘bisexual’, ‘gay’, and ‘straight, and she has understood her romantic preferences through her journey.

She feels that people put everybody into boxes and she does not like that at all and that can be understood through her songs.

On 7th May, her latest album, ‘Better Mistakes’ is going to be released and it has been a long time that she is embracing fans and LGBTQ. In February, she announced her track ‘Sacrifice’, and on Twitter, she wrote that through this track, she is going to give the gays what they want.

Rexha got the inspiration for the song from stylist and best friend Wilford Lenov, who happens to be gay and she has been welcomed with great excitement from LGBTQ+fans.

Rexha said that she is surprised to see that her music has comforted her queer fans.

She did not felt that her music can provide strength to people.

Follow her on Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

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